Расчёт силы противника по данным на бумаге Для ориентировкиReiatsu: 000-005 Minimal to none 006-015 Average shinigami or hollow 016-030 Seated officer 031-045 Higher seated officer, Gillian 046-060 Vice-Captain, Adjuchas, Arrancar 061-100 Captain, Espada
Zanjutsu: Занджуцу: 000-005 No skill 006-015 Instinctual skill 016-030 Basic training in kendo 031-045 Mastery of kendo and basic movements, advanced techniques 046-060 Adept at kenjutsu, highly experienced and toned instincts 061-080 Imbues reiatsu efficiently in all techniques, highly increasing lethality 081-100 Total mastery
Hakuda: 000-005 No skill 006-015 Instinctual skill 016-030 Basic combat training encompassing hand and foot techniques with grabs 031-045 Mastery of base techniques, training in grappling and anti-weapon 046-060 Diverse mastery, extremely advanced techniques and quick instincts 061-080 Imbues reiatsu efficiently into all techniques, highly increasing lethality 081-100 Total mastery, required for Shunko
Houhou/Sonido: 000-005 No skill, can run decently fast 006-010 Equivalent of a human professional sprinter 011-025 Can maintain high speeds with great stamina, able to attempt Shunpo 026-040 Well-practiced at Shunpo 041-060 Adept at Shunpo, can incorporate Hakuda and Zanjutsu skills 061-080 Mastery of shunpo, Captain-class speed 081-100 Total mastery, required for Shunko
Kido: 000-005 Able to manipulate reiatsu, can perform a few basic techniques with little success rate 006-015 Can use simple techniques consistently without incantation, but incantation is needed for #10+ 016-030 Strong skills, can use up to Hadou#33 and Bakudou#40, some with incantations 031-045 Powerful at all basic techniques, able skip some incantations and use double-incantations 046-060 Practiced use of all Hadou below #80 and all Bakudou below #99 061-080 Mastery of all Hadou below #90 and Bakudou, able to create complicated hybrid techniques 081-100 Able to use Forbidden Techniques and Hadou in the 90s, total mastery
Hierro: 000-005 Hardened skin 006-020 Steel skin 021-040 Extremely tough, can take continous hits 041-060 Will never yield to reiatsu weaker than itself 061-080 Quick regeneration, strengthened internal organs 081-100 Nearly impossible to penetrate, regenerates rapidly, internal organs are like steel
Cero: 000-005 Unable to muster a proper cero, may use bala to a degree 006-020 Able to make a decent cero and bala 021-040 Powerful, mature cero and bala, more difficult to deflect and block 041-060 Mastery of cero and bala, required for Gran Rey Cero 061-080 Able to fire ceros quickly without tiring, ability to use Cero Oscura 081-100 Total mastery, able to repeatedly and instantaneously use cero and negate weaker enemy cero